Watch as instructor Keith Edwards shares an in-depth exploration of queuing and Qos (Quality of Service) when it comes to network traffic congestion management.
NetworkingTrainingUnified Communications
VIDEO: Understanding and Decoding DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)
by Bill Hellerby Bill HellerWatch as instructor Keith Edwards explores different aspects of DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) and demonstrates how to convert DSCP and precedence values used in QoS class maps and policy maps.
Instructor Jim Goughenour shares advice on what to consider when designing a network including scalability, resiliency, security, modularity, and Quality of Service (QoS).
Instructor Keith Edwards wants you to consider why CBWFQ metric recommendations might not be what you want to use.
Instructor Keith Edwards explores QoS (Quality of Service), what is it for and how it is used in this short video.
Career DevelopmentCertificationNetworkingTraining
Breaking Down the Cisco ENCOR Exam: Architecture
by Bill Hellerby Bill HellerThis blog series takes a closer look at the six sections of the Cisco ENCOR Enterprise Core Networking Exam. Part One explores the Architecture topics of the ENCOR Exam 350-401.
NetworkingTrainingUnified Communications
How to Prepare for Cisco’s Quality of Service (QoS) 2.5 Course
by Bill Hellerby Bill HellerCisco’s Quality of Service (QoS) 2.5 course is not for everybody. Instructor Keith Edwards shares advice on how to prepare to take QoS.